Type / Brand - See Believe
See Believe
Type / Brand - See Believe
Description of orifice plate

Orifice Flange Assemlies are mode to AGA/ASME recommendation and provide means to flow measurement. Assemblies to other international Standards viz.-ISO,BS,DIN etc. are also available.
Orifice flanges cover complete range of sizes and pressure ratings upto ASA 2500 of ANSI B16.36 as standards viz,-API,MSS,BS and DIN etc. are available on request. These flanges are available in various types such as Weld neck, slip on, Screwed with facing FF, therefore, RJ, TG etc various types of tappings available are viz. Flange, corner and D-D/2 Orifice Bore calculatoins can be carried out as per ASME MFC-3M, ASME 19.5, ISO 5167/ BS,1042, R.W. Miller and L.K. SPINK etc. Orifice Flange Asemblies are supplied ready to install in Piplines complete with tud, nuts, Jack Bolts, Gaskets and Drain Pulgs. Orifice Flanges are manufactured in broad variety of material to ASTM Standard viz. Concentric Bore: For standard fluid condition an Orifice Plate would have a centrally located orifice bore Eccentric Bore:
The orifice would be set off center and tangent to the bottom inside line I.D. to allow heavy solid or sluries to flow through the orifice. Also used when the Orifice bore is less than 1" in diameter and the line require vent od drain hole. Quadrant Bore:
The quadrant bored orifies plate has a quarter round upstream edge and is designed for viscosity flows with Reynolds Number below 10,000